Johan Grimonprez, B
Kobarweng or Where is your Helicopter ?
B , 1992
Betacam SP, 25 min
Regie/Director, Realisation: Johan Grimonprez
... Nowhere else is it more visible that the „other“ is constructed within a social, cultural, and historical context as when two differing cultural perceptions clash. The anthropological discourse of discovering and objectifying the other renders mute a differing local voice – a voice claimed by a Western writing of history. Kobarweng critically restages the history of this first encounter told mainly through a native which reclaims the memory of a colonial past. Switching the roles of observer and observed, it is anthropology – and specifically the desire underlying anthropological representation, that is depicted as an exotic object to be explored and scrutinized. The observer observed. This reversal lays bare the shortcircuits and gaps in the dialogue between discoverer and discovered, as well as the power structures within that exchange. „We never tell everything, we always keep
something for the next anthropologist!“